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We are Proudly 100% Compliant with
Amazon’s New terms of service (TOS)
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Boost Your Sales FAST with Real Amazon Reviews
Get unlimited listings and a database of over 23,053 reviewers
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9 out of 10 buyers only purchase items with at least 5 reviews.
Your competitors have more reviews than you, so Amazon users skip right over you.
Without positive reviews, Amazon users won’t trust you.
They won’t buy from you.
And you won’t increase sales.
Which is why you’re here…
…to increase sales!
As you may know, Amazon does NOT promote how many units you sell. Amazon advertises how many REVIEWS you have! And buyers follow this religiously.
In other words, NO REVIEWS = little to NO SALES.
We get you REAL, HONEST REVIEWS that are in 100% compliance with Amazon’s policies.
Here’s what that means: sellers are no longer allowed to offer free or discounted products in exchange for a review. The keyword there = exchange. That means we can’t require shoppers to leave reviews.
Instead, we highly encourage shoppers to leave honest reviews, and we continue to target market shoppers who love leaving reviews (willingly).
That means your products will get a high percentage of optional reviews 100% in compliance with Amazon’s new policies.
And your Amazon business reputation will keep growing.
When you sign up with us, you’ll get access to our database of over 23,053 Amazon reviewers, all waiting eagerly for products like yours.
Start your free trial today
Here’s how it works:
You post your product to our newsfeed.
Our interested members reveal the coupon code you provide.
Buyers will then purchase your product.
Buyers immediately leave their optional honest reviews.
You repost your promo listing as much as you want.
You make more sales!
Bonus #1: keep your buyers’ contact info and contact them directly for future promos!
Bonus #2: use the same process for FBA liquidations, so you avoid Amazon storage fees.
Get instant access to our database
Get started with a free trial, and then your investment is…
Only $29/mo with a 10 day FREE trial!(中国的亚马逊卖家每个月只要59元)
…and cancel anytime!
Start with a 10 day free trial and then a monthly subscription of $29 beginning the day after. Cancel anytime!
I Agree to the Terms of Services.
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“I have gotten really good reviews and so much value from your site. Thank you.” - Helene L.
Common Amazon Seller Questions or Concerns:
A - Due to Amazon’s new TOS, sellers are no longer able to offer discounted products in exchange for reviews (incentivized reviews). Due to this, reviews can not be guaranteed, but can be highly encouraged. What we do is advertise to Amazon buyers that enjoy leaving reviews willingly.
We are proud to advertise that we have a 99.9% review respond rate. This rate remains high due to the fact that we target buyers who love to leave reviews willingly.
Q - Are these “incentivized reviews” and won’t this leave a “footprint”?
A - No. Incentivized reviews are when sellers exchange free or discounted products for reviews. This is not an exchange site. The shoppers here willingly leave their optional reviews. Also, these don’t leave “footprints”. Many new members join every day. The same shoppers normally don’t review the same products and you have access to our entire list of shoppers. There is plenty of randomness built into our system.
Q - I heard that some sellers run out of inventory by giving away too many coupons from one promotion. Or, giving away too many coupons causing me, as seller, to lose money. How does your website control this?
A - The great thing about our site is that sellers have 100% control over the amount of products/codes they give away. Every buyer must apply for your product first. Next, the seller is sent an email that a buyer is interested. At that point, the seller can decide whether or not to give the buyer the promo code. This makes it impossible to run out of inventory. As a seller, you are always notified first. You can decide if they want to provide a buyer the promo code.
Q - What kind of coupons can I offer to reviewers?Is there a limit? 80% ,90%,99% off, or Free?
A - As a seller on our site, you have 100% control over the promotion you offer. All coupons are welcome. 10% 20%, 80%, 99%, or Free. The choice is yours!
I live outside the country. Can I promote my products on your website? Yes and no. You can promote your products here only if you have an account on the (USA) platform (not .uk, .cn, .co, etc). Our Amazon reviewers have “.com” Amazon accounts so, their reviews will only count towards merchants.