Merchant/Seller FAQ:
I live outside the country. Can I promote my products on your website? Yes and no. You can promote your products here only if you have an account on the Amazon.com (USA) platform (not .uk, .cn, .co, etc). Our Amazon buyers have “.com” Amazon accounts so, their optional reviews will only count towards Amazon.com merchants.
What if I offer a coupon, but the buyer receives the product and does not give me a review? Can reviews be guaranteed or how could you control this?Due to Amazon’s new TOS, sellers are no longer able to offer discounted products in exchange for reviews (incentivized reviews). Due to this, reviews can not be guaranteed, but can be highly encouraged. What we do is advertise to Amazon buyers that enjoy leaving reviews willingly.
We are proud to advertise that we have a 85% review response rate based on the product being offered. This rate remains high due to the fact that we target buyers who love to leave reviews willingly.
Are these “incentivized reviews” and won’t this leave a “footprint”? No. Incentivized reviews are when sellers exchange free or discounted products for reviews. This is not an exchange site. The shoppers here willingly leave their optional reviews. Also, these don’t leave “footprints”. Many new members join every day. The same shoppers normally don’t review the same products and you have access to our entire list of shoppers. There is plenty of randomness built into our system.
I heard that some sellers run out of inventory by giving away too many coupons from one promotion. Or, giving away too many coupons causing me, as seller, to lose money. How does your website control this? The great thing about our site is that sellers have 100% control over the amount of products/codes they give away. First, we show you how to enable your coupons with a "One Quantity Limit". This will prevent buyers from purchasing more than one item with a single coupon. Also, you have the option to have buyers to message you privately instead of having your code revealed to all members. This adds extra security for your products by manually deciding how many codes you wish to give out on this site alone. This makes it impossible to run out of inventory.
What kind of coupons can I offer to buyers?Is there a limit? 80% ,90%,99% off, or Free?As a seller on our site, you have 100% control over the promotion you offer. All coupons are welcome. 10% 20%, 80%, 99%, or Free. The choice is yours!
How will buyers contact me? When a buyer is interested in your offer, they will simply reveal the coupon code. You will also receive the option to be messaged privately. You’re in control of the whole process at all times.
How many reviews will I get? Due to Amazon’s new TOS, reviews are now optional instead of mandatory. Though reviews are optional, we highly encourage buyers who sign up to leave their optional reviews. Also, it depends on how attractive your product and promotion are to members as well as title. Different members like different kinds of products; some only want completely free products, others are willing to pay for shipping or buy with a discount coupon. It all depends on how you promote your products and how often.
I got an FBA email from Amazon saying they will start charging me for my left-over inventory. What should I do? One word: Liquidation. When it comes to Amazon’s inventory fees, to the average Amazon seller, there doesn’t seem like much hope. But, here at HomeProductTesting.org we provide liquidation services. Click on the “FBA Inventory” tab on the top of this page for more information.
How does your liquidation service work? It’s very simple. Rather than listing your products on our site for a casual discount, list your products to our buyers advertising your blow-out sale (liquidation). You are simply offering your products with a huge discount to get rid of your inventory (“Everything Must Go!”).
When I get reviews, will they all be 5 Star? Not necessarily. We strictly follow Amazon’s seller policy. The number one policy that can get merchants accounts suspended are earning fake reviews. All reviews that are left from buyers are 100% optional and unbiased. You will get optional honest and unbiased reviews from real users for your products with our website. Reviews are optional from buyers but, are highly encouraged rather than required due to Amazon’s new terms of service. To help obtain a 5 star review, be courteous with the buyer. Also, always be communicative by following up and offering solutions for any issues.
So you’re not selling reviews? No. That would be unethical and against Amazon’s Terms of Service (TOS).
What if I don’t want everyone to see my products and promotions? You write the posts so, you can reveal as much or as little information as you want. You have the option to have your code revealed to all users or to have users message you privately for the code.
How is this group different from the rest? We’re not really a “group” but more of a service. We help you build your own list of trusted buyers for optional reviews as well as help liquidate your FBA inventory to avoid fees.
What about low-quality reviewers? Can I choose who I send my coupons to? Due to Amazon’s new TOS, this is not possible. All Amazon buyers must have equal rights to a promotion and can no longer be discriminated against their review history. Some sites require buyers to leave their Amazon profile URL link, but that is a violation against the TOS stated directly from the Amazon.com Legal Department.
How can I cancel my subscription? Just visit the Account page to pause or cancel your subscription any time.
How much does it cost? Monthly membership is only $29 with a 10 day FREE trial. This includes unlimited product listings for optional reviews and unlimited liquidation listings. The price will go up soon so, join now to keep this introductory price for as long as you remain a member.
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Buyers/Product Testers FAQ:
How does this all work? Browse the Amazon.com product newsfeed on our homepage daily. When you see a product you like, click on the listing. Click to reveal the coupon code on the listing page. Once you see the code, visit the product page on Amazon.com and purchase the item with the coupon code. CODES ONLY LAST 24HRS AFTER BEING REVEALED. Once you receive the product we HIGHLY appreciate your option review! Visit the product page on Amazon to leave your review.
Who provides the promo codes? Every individual Amazon seller provides promo codes for every member.
Do I get to keep the products I “test”? Yes, absolutely. All products are yours to keep.
Where do I purchase these item? All items are purchased on Amazon.com. This website is used to collect the promo codes from sellers. You then use the codes on the product’s page on Amazon.
What are my responsibilities as a product tester? As a product tester, your only responsibility is to enjoy the discounts. Once you receive your product, though reviews are optional, they are highly appreciated since reviews help sellers determine what is working and what isn’t.
How much does it cost? Any hidden Fees? Nope. Your lifetime membership is absolutely Free!